In this blog, I would like to share what I have learned about multi-stitch panoramas. Firstly if you would like to try one I have a few tips that will get you on the right track.
The first tip is shoot vertical. Use a tripod and level it to the best of your ability. The more level it is the better the end result will be. Use a pan head on the tripod as it will set up the incremental spots to capture an image. If you do not have a pan head overlap each shot by about 30%.

The better the shot created in the camera the better the panorama. Use filters on the lens to control the light. I like to shoot at least 7 to 10 verticals for a single row and 14 to 20 for a double row. Shoot an extra on each end for the final crop.
I would recommend a good stitching program something other than Photoshop.

After it is all stitched and cropped send it out to print to see the results of your work. Hang it where other people can see it!!

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