The newest Kase filters are the Armour System. It has so much going for it. Like I have said before the R&D department of Kase Global continues to knock things right out of the ballpark. They have now turned the sheet glass filters into magnetic ones. And the good news is you can use the K9 filters as well. All you have to do is buy the magnetic frame that goes around the filters.

So the way it works is you can buy the kits ready to go or you can buy the pieces you need. So if you are a sheet glass filter user and your filters are 100x100mm 2mm thick or 150 x100 2mm thick the frames will work for you. The frames will also accept the thinner 1.1mm filters with the use of a spacer that comes with the frames. If you go that way then you will need to buy the Holder which comes with the CPL and the rings. It also comes with 2 frames. One is 100×100 and the other is 100×150.

The photo above shows the Master Kit and what comes with it. There is also an Entry Level Kit with fewer filters however it comes with the same quality glass and the holder and the rings.

I have just finished a video on how the system works. You can find it here on my blog. It is not very long and certainly worth the watch. Remember you can buy the filters on my website
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks

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