Just like everything else, it seems you get what you pay for, and keeping up with the newest technology is very important. I remember using filters on my film cameras in 1970 and at that time I was impressed with the results. If I used those filters today I would likely throw them as far as I could and never look for them.
So the times change the format changes and the next thing you know it is 40 plus years later and I am still shooting with filters on the front of the lens. I remember back in the mid-1970 time filters we almost all you could do to control light in the camera. Once you developed your film you could in the darkroom do a little dodging or burning to bring impact points to your images. Nowadays with post programs like Photoshop or Lightroom or others out there, you can fix some of your mistakes in those programs however I don’t recommend it!
You do not need to spend time in front of your computer and with the Kase camera filters on the market today you can get it right in the camera. This is what I recommend as it gives you more time in the field to be creative and a better file overall. There still are things post programs cannot do for you like polarization or laying flat or partially flat ocean waves and so on.

The Kase filter company has changed the technology to the point where it is hard to believe how very good it is now. The quality and ruggedness of the optical glass along with the magnetization of the Wolverine round filters and how their coatings are so very much improved is a testament to the R&D team they have on staff.
The newest technology on the market by Kase Filters is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the field. I have had the opportunity to shoot with other company filters and hands down it is my opinion the Kase product is the best on the market.
The filters have nano-coating on them, which makes the Wolverine series filters scratch resistant, and very water-proof, anti-reflective, and also easy to clean. They are also very thin measuring 9.79mm for three filters. This is very important if you like to stack filters to reduce vignetting.
Not only are their round Wolverine magnetic filters the best they also produce the K9 system of square and rectangular filters that are made from the same material and are as equally as good.

So I was talking about how thin the Wolverine Filters are so I made a very short video just to show you.
If you would like more information on the Kase Product line please drop me a line from this website or go to my Kase website where you can see the product and pricing. https://kasefilterscanada.com On our website we have additional information on the quality and build of the filters.
I have also inserted a longer video that shows 3 of the Kase systems
Please leave me some feedback if you like or if you have any questions.

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